‘Salomé’ by Tula Lotay

This week we will be selling a small consignment of posters from Evil Tender's Opera Print Series. The latest instalment sees UK's Tula Lotay tackle ‘Salomé’. Chris over at Evil Tender posted this great write-up for it: 

"There are a variety of biblical passages as well as scholarly and religious interpretations of Salomé, daughter of Herodias, step-daughter to Herod Antipas. Her story culminates in one single act — after entertaining her step-father and his court with the Dance of the Seven Veils, Salomé confers with her mother and requests that Herod Antipas deliver the head of John the Baptist on a platter as a gift for her performance.

She is a princess, a temptress, manipulator, and destroyer. Art history is rich with visual interpretations of Salomé’s story and as art inspires art (examples below), on the evening of December 9th,1905 in Dresden, Germany, composer Richard Strauss debuted his opera from Hedwig Lachmann’s German translation of Oscar Wilde’s 1891 French play, Salomé.

For her take on Strauss’s Salomé, UK-based comic artist and illustrator Tula Lotay gives us Salomé as Wilde and Strauss intended. She is strong and worthy of her place — sexual, dangerous, and intelligent. It can be said that these qualities are what made reviewers of the 1907 United States premiere at the Metropolitan Opera in New York City say, “the story is repugnant to Anglo-Saxon minds.” Over one hundred years later and audiences are still enthralled and captivated by the pagan dancer Salomé."

Salomé by Tula Lotay will go on sale this Thursday at 5pm UK time from our shop for UK buyers and from the Evil Tender website for everyone else. 


18” x 24” Screenprint
9 colours on Mohawk Cream Paper
Limited Edition of 200
Printed by D&L Screenprinting

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